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Five Signs That Your Site Needs UX Improvements
From load time to accessibility, there are many factors that impact your website's user experience (UX). Here are some ways to improve your UX—and your bottom line.
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The Google Page Experience Update: UX is Now a Ranking Factor
In June 2021, the Google Page Experience update was introduced, providing us with clear and actionable metrics for proving a great UX. This formalized UX as ranking factor in Organic Search.
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Everything You Need To Know About iOS 14.5
By Caroline Watkins, Digital Content Writer Today’s consumers are increasingly concerned with device privacy and...
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3 Brands That Took on Social Issues in the Best Way
Take a look at how a few companies used their marketing strategy to built their brand and call attention to a social issue.
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6 Ways Animation Can Improve Your Creative During COVID-19
With your audience spending more time at home, they are about as captive as it gets, making it prime time to add video to your marketing. Here's how.
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The Secret to Writing Killer Content for SEO
Here is why your website’s SEO strategy is only as strong as its content, and what exactly makes content SEO-friendly.
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