Landing Page, Paid Media

Shining a Light on Public Power with a Tailored Landing Page Strategy

ElectriCities of NC
What We Did
Landing Page, Paid Media

The Challenge

Public power is one of three ways homeowners, families, and businesses receive electricity in North Carolina. However, many customers don’t notice the company name on their power bill – or understand the benefits of living in a public power community. ElectriCities of NC needed our help to turn their public power customers into informed advocates.

Our Solution

We began with geo-targeted paid media across Meta, Nextdoor,, Google, and beyond to reach customers within public power zip codes and drive them to an educational landing page. Core KPIs like time spent on page and engagement rate demonstrated that customers were excited to learn about public power when they clicked through from our paid media to the landing page. 

We wanted to improve these metrics by breaking out the landing page into two versions, creating awareness and remarketing versions to ensure we met public power customers with knowledge-level appropriate content.

This tailored landing page strategy allowed us to: 

  • Craft unique awareness vs. remarketing content
  • Revise based on our integrated insights
  • Update content to support latest initiatives
Same customer journey screenshot with photo of audience

As a result, we generated a 1,400% improvement in engagement rate on our landing pages.

Landing Page Strategy

Crafting Unique Awareness vs. Remarketing Content

We customized specific messaging and creative based on the stage of the customer journey with two distinct landing pages. This also allowed us to provide fresh content and a new experience to continue nurturing users who have already visited the awareness page, rather than serving up the same page they have already visited.

First touchpoint paid media drove to the awareness landing page, which defines public power, show and filter communities on a map, and visualize impact with high-level stats. The goal is to inform customers that they have public power and avoid overwhelming them with heavy copy.

Remarketing paid media campaigns drove to a second landing page with more robust content, moving into the benefits with tabbed sections and additional video content to increase engagement within the page. For visitors who clicked through to the awareness page, this provided a unique experience to continue learning about public power.

Desktop with Electicities Awarness Design Web Page
Desktop with Electicities Remarketing Design Web Page
Screenshots of mobile landing page experience in phones
Feedback graphic

Revising Based on Integrated Insights

As an integrated marketing partner for ElectriCities, we were able to translate learnings across platforms for holistic improvements. For example, our community management of social media profiles alerted us that customers were confused about what the term not-for-profit meant in the context of public power. That insight led to revised content across both landing page versions.

Updating Content to Support Latest Initatives

As monthly and one-off pulse campaigns launched, we were able to easily and quickly make additions to the landing page content that reflected these campaigns. This allows for a seamless user journey, for example, by continuing lineworker appreciation messaging from Meta Ads to the landing page during Lineworker Appreciation Month.

Ad and website creative

The Results

0:57  Avg. Session Duration for Awareness LP

1:54  Avg. Session Duration for Remarketing LP

17% Avg. Engagement Rate for Awareness LP

39% Avg. Engagement Rate for Remarketing LP