Swarming the Atlanta Market with a Multi-Channel Membership Campaign

Invited Clubs
What We Did
Landing Page, Interactive Quiz, Paid Social, Display, Demand Gen, Email, Retargeting Strategy

We partnered with Invited Clubs—a network of over 200 golf and country clubs across the U.S.—to build and launch a test program with the goal of growing membership across multiple Clubs in a centralized market.

The Challenge

In North Atlanta alone, Invited has eight golf and country clubs. They sought a more efficient and engaging way to demonstrate the breadth of options available to suit any prospect’s needs and wants in the area.

North Atlanta Invited Club Logos

Our Solution

Rather than market each Club individually, resulting in overlap and inefficiencies in messaging and paid media targeting, we suggested testing a campaign that would pool budget from all eight Clubs into a single campaign under the Invited umbrella. The united campaign would have a shared look and feel that helped all potential leads in North Atlanta self-select the Invited Club that best fit their needs.

To bring the campaign to life, we took a four-pronged approach: 

  1. Establishing A Unified Creative Direction
  2. Building A Landing Page & Interactive Quiz
  3. Retargeting With Club-Specific Messages
  4. Tracking, Comparing & Iterating The Campaign

Ultimately, this campaign resulted in a 123% increase in campaign digital leads YoY.

Map of golf clubs in Atlanta and ad example
Step 1

Establishing A Unified Creative Direction

Bringing all eight Clubs together under the Invited brand was a first-of-its-kind campaign for Invited. We established a look and feel that unified the Clubs, but allowed us to incorporate the vast array of photo libraries, selling points and Club logos.

  • Creative Concepting: From themed layouts to color palettes, our designers combined elements from the Invited brand with individual Club identities.
  • Photo Audit: First impressions are everything. We combed the archives to find the picture-perfect fit for each Club.
  • Strategic Content Writing: Our writers leveraged performance insights and trends to craft USP-rich copy, weaving in overarching campaign messaging and promo codes to maximize interest and drive leads.
  • Platform-Specific Assets: The ground-up strategy required assets across Facebook, Instagram, Google search, display, YouTube and more—all optimized for the platform’s best practices.
Planning and concepting documents for the pilot program
Screenshots of photo options for each club

Step 2

Building A Landing Page & Interactive Quiz

We drove paid media traffic to a central Invited landing page designed to educate prospects on all eight Clubs in the North Atlanta region. The page included image carousels and a filtering tool, as well as an interactive quiz that matched prospects with a Club persona. 

From The Recreation Royal to The Eagle Eye to The Grand Slammer, each carefully crafted persona took into account the prospect’s answers to budget, amenity preferences and lifestyle questions. Each persona results page included a description and three Club recommendations.

Landing page design for the Invited Pilot Program
Phone screenshots of club quiz

19% Quiz Completion Rate
3,226 Total Completions

5% Of Quiz Completions Submitted a Lead

Step 3

Retargeting With Club-Specific Messages

After receiving their Club persona, prospects were encouraged to visit—and convert—on the individual Club sites. We remarketed to that site traffic with additional Club-specific media to ensure the Club match and the Invited brand stayed top of mind.

We also provided the Clubs with email templates to use when responding to leads that came from this campaign, ensuring a seamless UX from first to last touchpoint.

Ad examples from Invited

23% Lead Conversion Rate on Paid Social

14% Lead Conversion Rate on Google

Step 4

Tracking, Comparing & Iterating The Campaign

Ultimately, we launched 60+ custom assets across channels. Following a detailed attribution strategy, including UTMs and promo codes, we ensured accurate tracking of the campaign’s impact in reaching and engaging prospects.

Real-time results allowed us to guide budget, monitor which Clubs were receiving the most leads and recommend creative optimizations. We were also able to compare to each Club’s YoY lead volume, to determine if the pooled budget was more effective than individual marketing budgets.

Ad collage across Invited clubs

The Results

Using campaign format and strategy has proven to be a cost-effective and impactful option that could scale to any metro area with multiple Clubs or, more broadly, for businesses with multiple locations.

5.1M Impressions

$83 Cost Per Lead

36% Lower Cost Per Lead vs. 2023 Digital Campaign Leads

123% Increase in Digital Campaign Leads vs. 2023